Policies / Politique éditorial

Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original literary work or review to be considered for publication in Résonance provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the work.

Submission Guidelines


The editors are specifically interested and will favor works in a variety of literary genres that are primarily by and/or about the Franco-American communities of the United States and their realities. We encourage both established and emerging writers to submit their works with the goal of creating a truly multi-generational vehicle that accurately reflects the Franco-American reality. The editors are also interested in literary work that explores related themes that apply to linguistic and cultural minorities, including (but definitely not limited to) visibility/invisibility, preservation/creation, elitism/popularism, etc.   

Please note that editors will accept previously unpublished works only.


The journal’s editorial staff is primarily made up of Franco-Americans who have distinguished themselves in the following genres:

Each of these specialties will have a section in the journal on a regular basis. The editors strongly encourage submissions in these genres. They will also accept submissions in other genres. These will be sent to qualified reviewers associated with Résonance.

What to submit and how

Language:  The preferred languages for submitted works are French and English. Works containing both are welcomed. The type of French can be any version now or formerly in use in North America (this includes Haitian and Louisianan Creole). The same guidelines apply for English. The Editors will accept works in other languages; however, authors submitting in those languages are advised that the review of the work might be delayed while we identify a qualified reviewer.

Special note for translations: Translators are requested to include the work in its source language along with their translation.

Cover letter: Authors should include in their submission a cover letter containing their name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, as well as a short bio (up to 75 words). Artists should include an artist statement/bio of up to 250 words.

Length: Please follow these genre-specific guidelines about the length of submissions:

Please note that submissions written in French may occasionally exceed the recommended word-count.

Veuillez noter que les contributions en français peuvent occasionnellement dépasser la limite conseillée.

Simultaneous submissions: Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, as long as you inform us promptly if the work has been taken by another outlet.  

How to submit: Please make submissions through Submittable:                            

For submissions in other genres/formats, please contact the Editor-in-Chief ( for instructions and include the words “Résonance submission” in the subject line.

Formatting Requirements:

Résonance has no general rules about the formatting of work upon initial submission.

Textual submissions should be made in an editable document (for example, a Microsoft Word document). The style guideline followed by the journal for English language content is the current edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, although literary works may involve exceptions. 

Submissions of art should be 3–5 images (.JPG, .PNG, and .PDF files) OR a link to an online website or portfolio. Multiple images can be in the same file (such as a multi-page PDF). Please also include the following information somewhere in your submission for each image: title, medium, and year of creation.


The evaluation process is projected generally to take up to 70 days. The editors will inform authors of submitted works about editorial decisions via Submittable.  


Authors agree to give Résonance First North American Serial Rights and First Electronic Rights to material accepted for publication in the journal. After publication, both rights revert to the author who is then free to republish the material. However, we do ask that you mention that the work was first published in Résonance.


At this time, Résonance is not in a position to offer a monetary stipend or other compensation to authors for the works published in the journal.